Mystic Temple Inc. Doctrine
The Mystic Temple is dedicated to nurturing, revitalizing, and fortifying the spirit, mind, and body of individuals through profound universal teachings and holistic healing practices. Our mission is to offer transformative wisdom and compassionate healing, guiding souls towards a harmonious balance and deeper connection with the divine.
Statement of Belief
At Mystic Temple,
We believe that there is one energy source that flows through all things, living and otherwise.
We believe that we are all spiritual beings, living a human experience
Spirituality and a deeper, direct connection to that source energy we call the Universe or God is everyone’s birthright and there is no need to go through anyone else to get it.
We believe that divinity does not only exist outside of us, but that we ourselves are divine.
We believe that every person has an unlimited amount of spiritual and personal power that they need only tap into to become their most powerful self.
We believe in reincarnation and the soul’s journey from lifetime to lifetime.
We believe in the study and practice of mysticism and metaphysics to improve the quality of our human and spiritual experience and the world as a whole.
We believe that everyone has the ability to tap into and develop spiritual gifts or powers.
We believe it is essential to move beyond the confines of man-made dogmas and rigid structures. In doing so, we embrace the purest form of truth, allowing us to fully realize and embrace our authentic selves and our interconnectedness with the universe.
We believe in treating all things, living and otherwise with kindness, understanding and compassion, whenever possible.
We believe in the balance of our spiritual and physical selves, understanding that we are both spiritual and physical and therefore we can be fully immersed in the enjoyment of both experiences.
We believe in equality for all beings.
The Book of Rasheeda
The Book of Rasheeda is a document that embodies the essence of divine wisdom, continuously evolving with the collective spiritual journey of humanity. This living text unfolds in synchronicity with our shared path towards enlightenment, making its wisdom a beacon for those seeking deeper understanding and connection.
The Three Pillars of Life
Central to the teachings of the Cosmic Collective Consciousness are the Three Pillars of Life, which form the foundation of existence in this incarnation and beyond:
YOUR VESSEL – The sacred union of the body, mind, and energy system that serves as your soul’s vehicle in this life.
YOUR LIFE PURPOSE – The unique mission imprinted on your soul, guiding you to fulfill your reason for being here.
YOUR SOUL GROWTH – The eternal evolution of the soul across lifetimes, with this incarnation offering a vital opportunity for expansion.
Everything else (money, relationships, experiences, etc.) exists only to support these pillars. The doctrine teaches that when these secondary aspects of life are harmonized with the primary, life flows with clarity, purpose, and alignment.